Liebster Blog Award!


My week has been made! Thank you That Med Kid for nominating me for the Liebster Award! This award was created to recognize and/or discover new bloggers, and welcome them to the blogging community. These awards are a great way to connect with other bloggers to show your love and support. The official rules of the award can be found here. Holly gave me the task of answering her 8 questions and telling 8 random facts about myself!

8 Questions:

  1. Do you believe in ghosts? :  I watched the show Ghost Hunters a lot throughout middle and high school. If there was a show about ghosts, that means they’re real, right?!
  2. What is your least favourite color? : I don’t have a least favorite color!
  3. Describe where you’d be in 10 years. : In 10 years I want to be living in a lovely mountain-side house, doing research on moose population in different areas of the country.
  4. How important is exercise to you? : I wish it was more important to me. I’m pretty bad at making it a priority.
  5. What is your relationship with food? : Food and I love each other a lot.
  6. What is your preferred social media platform? : I love Instagram. It allows you to show your creativity in a different way than Twitter or Facebook.
  7. Why do you blog? : I blog for myself. I love the people I’ve met through blogging and reading others’ content. When it comes to my content, I love sharing what makes me happy and its a huge bonus when others like it too!
  8. What motivates you to get up everyday? : Waking up and knowing that I was meant to live that day. One of my favorite quotes by Mod Sun, “If you woke up, that’s a reason to celebrate,” is something I live by.

8 Random Facts

  1. I’m trying to cut down on my intake of coffee
  2. I really miss my old green Subaru
  3. Tiramisu is my favorite dessert
  4. I’m a huge fan of singing in the car
  5. I prefer large dogs over small ones
  6. I say ‘sorry’ way too much
  7. I would go to bed early every night if I could
  8. Lists are my favorite organization tool


Here are the rules for the nominees!

  1. Answer the following 5 questions below, and write a blog post including the link to the blog that nominated you
  2. Write 5 random facts about you
  3. Nominate 5 other blogs
  4. Ask any amount of questions your nominees have to answer.


  1. Anni from Glücksgeist
  2. Shannon from High Chic
  3. Shannon from kittyp0p 
  4. Hayley from Life of Hayley
  5. Hello Ninetyseven 

My Questions For You:

  1. If you could eat dinner with one celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?
  2. If you were to work at a radio station, what genre of music would you play?
  3. What are three foods you dislike?
  4. Favorite piece of clothing to wear?
  5. Do you believe in fate? Why/why not?

Thank you again to Holly, aka That Med Kid, for the nomination!

Stay rad,

Caroline Abigail

8 thoughts on “Liebster Blog Award!

  1. Haha! Food and I loves each other a lot, too!! Also, I like where you wanted to stay in 10 years. Sounds relaxing. 💘 Congratulations on the award 😊


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