Entering the Adult World

It has been a few months since I’ve sat down and took the time to think about who I am and who I’m becoming. I get overwhelmed at the idea of my future and having some type of “plan.” I sit here, working a full-time schedule (split between my two jobs), balancing friends and family, spending time on my blog, just wishing it could all be easier.

The main issue is how neglectful I’ve been with my mental health. I’ve been overwhelmed with the response I got after announcing my new job – thank you all so much for all of your kind words 💛 It was heartwarming to know how many people were excited with me about this new chapter in my journey. I was unprepared for how this triumph would affect the other parts of my life.

Life needs to be hard sometimes. That’s something I learned from my mom & I remind myself that constantly. If it wasn’t hard some days, then we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the easier days. After work, I’ve been feeling tired and unmotivated. It’s been hard to sit and write a blog post, go to the gym, or hangout with the people I said I’d hangout with.

It’s been a while since my life has transitioned like this. I’m not going back to school, which makes me sad – not seeing all of the people who made those years the best. Starting a new job is exciting and keeping some part-time hours at my old job takes a lot of energy. It’s the shift from my normal schedule to a new one that has me feeling ‘off’. I’m entering the adult world & it’s scary! Life is full of transitions, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Some of my friends have been feeling the same about starting school or starting a job. What I’ve learned from talking to all of them is that we shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves. Transition takes time and it’s okay to not feel like yourself. You’re allowed to feel tired, take a break from going to the gym, and not want to go out after work. Our mental health comes first! We can’t fool ourselves into feeling a way that covers up our true emotions. We also can’t be so hard on ourselves when we haven’t adjusted to the new changes as quickly as we would have liked. We aren’t being fair to ourselves if we expect our minds to do more than we know it can handle. Make sure you transition into this new part of life with your head on your shoulders. It’s all controlled by you, and nothing needs to be perfect. You have the power to make life how you want it, without pressuring yourself to do too much. Take care of yourself! 🌞

If you have any tips about how you transitioned into a new lifestyle & what felt good/bad about it, let me know in the comments!

Stay rad,

Caroline Abigail

5 thoughts on “Entering the Adult World

  1. I find the best thing for my mental health is to have a routine that I complete daily – when I get up, when I go to the gym, when I go to sleep. Having somewhat of a structure to my life. xx

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