My Go-To Morning Smoothie

On some mornings, I start work at 6:00am or 8:00am & I need a quick breakfast to get me going! I find that a smoothie is the most time efficient thing to make. My NutriBullet gets the job done in less than a minute, blending up the perfect serving size! Here’s how I make my favorite smoothie. Continue reading “My Go-To Morning Smoothie”

A Pancake Tuesday!

Another huge storm blew through Boston, delivering us 6-12 inches of snow! 🙃 I worked on some homework, watched some Netflix, and even played a few video games, but the tastiest part was the pancakes. This pancake recipe dates back to my childhood. My family had a recipe book with all the pages untouched, except for this one. My mom was cleaning the house and decided to get rid of the book, but keep this one page pancake recipe!

Continue reading “A Pancake Tuesday!”

Cauliflower Bites // A Recipe

Scrolling through food videos on Facebook is one of my guilty pleasures. I watch every video that pops up on my feed! Recently, I saw a video on the “Delish” Facebook account about baked cauliflower bites. I was in the mood to cook and I wanted to try out a new “healthy” snack! I’ll provide the ingredients, the recipe, and some photos I took during the cooking process.

Continue reading “Cauliflower Bites // A Recipe”